Data Packs

The Data Packs app is used by planning & statistics teams to automate updating fresh Student CRM to a cloud data warehouse for connecting their BI tool to.

Connect your own BI tool to your Student CRM data in the cloud.

This app lists all the data packs you have subscribed to, along with any new data packs you can subscribe to. See a list of available data packs here.

The Data Packs app (DTP) benefits:

  • You can see that each run was successful.

  • You can see how many rows were updated or deleted in that run.

  • You can search log entries.

  • You can download the entire log as CSV.

  • You can subscribe to additional data packs.

  • You can see which BI Platform you are using.

Whilst our cloud data warehouse is platform-agnostic (so you can connect it to pretty much any BI), this article lists the top BI tools available.