Login Page Update 2016

We have a new login page design for 2016. The image on this page will occasionally change but you'll be pleased to know it's your Student CRM behind the login.

More UI enhancements will be rolled out during Q3 and Q4 of this year.

New Login Page

old Login Page



Mobile Support feature

If you are out of the office but need to submit a support ticket, you can browse to (and should bookmark this on your smartphone):


It redirects you to this new login page, but, once logged in, it bypasses the My Apps CRM page.

It automatically opens a ticket in the Help Centre, ready for you to complete the mobile-friendly form.

You can also browse and search for articles in our fully responsive Help Centre.

So, now you can submit tickets from your smartphone.

Hey, why not dictate it?

We know why you love student recruitment...

You passionately believe that higher education changes lives for the better. Seeing students discover their potential at your university is really rewarding. Helping students to find the right course to fulfil their ambitions is making a difference to the world we live in. You are part of a bigger purpose. You are making a difference.

Here at Data Harvesting, we share in your vision too. We understand how important every step of the student recruitment journey is for both potential students and for you. It’s life changing. That’s why we developed Student CRM to help you create the best student recruitment experience you can.

Our new login page puts you at the heart of Student CRM so you can ensure that your students stay at the heart of everything you do. So what could you do today, with the help of Student CRM, to make a difference to someone’s future?

See the difference.